Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you
Reverend Kia Pakenham, our House for Duty Rector, can be contacted at or on 01306 737160. As Fridays are Kia's sabbath - her day off - please do not try to contact her on a Friday.
If you would like Kia to pray for you or any of your contacts please email her in confidence at
Our Parish Secretary, Sally McCance, can be contacted at or on 01306 737160.
The Parish Office is at The Rectory, Abinger, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 6HZ.
Sally is usually in her office between 9.00am and 3.00pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. - except when she and Rev'd Kia are in The John Venus Hall
However, on the following dates, Sally and Rev’d Kia will be in the John Venus Hall between 10.00am and 11.00am where they welcome you to drop in with any questions or for a coffee and chat, or just to say 'hello':
Monday 8th April
Monday 22nd April
Monday 13th May
Monday 3rd June
Monday 17th June
Monday 1st July
Monday 15th July
Monday 5th August
Monday 19th August
Monday 2nd September
Monday 16th September
Monday 7th October
Monday 21st October
Monday 4th November
Monday 18th November
Monday 2nd December
Monday 16th December
Our Churchwarden, Anthony Simpson, can be contacted by clicking here.