Welcome to Christ Church Coldharbour, in south east England's highest village on the eastern slopes of Leith Hill within the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Our Village Church - A Place of Worship - Open for All
Community - Tranquility - Prayer
Our Church is open for private prayer and contemplation every day between 09.30 and 16.30.
Breathe on me, Breath of God,
Fill me with life anew,
That I may love what Thou dost love,
And do what Thou wouldst do.
Our Church
To meet the growing needs of the village and its surrounding country estates, Christ Church was built in 1848 by local landowner, John Labouchere of Broome Hall, on land provided by the Duke of Norfolk, to the design of Benjamin Ferrey, a pupil of Augustus Charles Pugin.
A major reconstruction of the Church interior in 1904, which included the installation of a new organ, was funded by, among others , Hervey Vaughan Williams, brother of Ralph. Their parents were married in Christ Church and Ralph used the organ in his younger days. He also used to conduct the Coldharbour Band's annual Christmas carol concert.
Today, Christ Church serves a thriving community of about 350 souls. We worship in a number of different formats to engage with the whole community - the young, families and the not so young - and our Church is used for a variety of events, including Village Band concerts and other musical events, all of which help Christ Church to really be central to village life.
We hope that this website provides useful information for those who worship at Christ Church, as well as those who live in the area and would like to know more about the Church, our services and our events, and those visiting us and who are interested in our Church, its history and the surrounding area.
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