Lord, help us to be people full of hope. Give us strength to keep going. Amen
Click here for services at St James, Abinger.
In addition to our regular services, we and Abinger have a monthly Julian Meeting. Learn more about these contemplative services by clicking here.
October 2024
Sunday October 6, Trinity 19
11.00 am Joint Harvest Service with Abinger
There will be a joint Harvest Lunch after the service
Sunday October 13, Trinity 20
10.00 am Second Sunday Service (Iona with communion)
Refreshments will be served after the service
Dear friends,
We had a wonderful time over the weekend celebrating Harvest at Christ Church!
On Friday night we Do-si-do’d our way around the church at our barn dance – huge thanks to Amanda, Sue and all helpers for making this a fantastic (if not exhausting!) evening!
And on Sunday we continued our Thanksgiving with our joint service with Auction and refreshments! Massive thank you’s to Neville and Sally for the spectacular wheat sheaf on the Altar and to all those who donated and bid very generously at the Auction – we raised over £570 for the Dorking Foodbank – well done everyone!!
Looking Ahead
The Harvest fun continues at St. James’ on Saturday 19th 11am – 2pm at our Family Fun day! Do join us for this free event with crafts, treasure hunts, wreath and bread making and food!! Fun for all ages and all abilities!
Also on 19th October we have a special celebration – Debby Chapman tells us more –‘It is a concert to celebrate our 10th anniversary and will be from 3-5pm on Saturday 19th October at Christ Church. The concert is free but we are encouraging donations towards Christ Church. It will be a light hearted concert with a variety of music, including the debut performance of a piece written especially for the occasion by Bronnie Roberts. It will also feature the first performance from the recently formed Coldharbour Swing Band. It would be lovely to have a full church for our special concert.’
It is not too late to join our Shoebox appeal! More information and leaflets on ‘how to’ can be found in the porches of both churches.
Back to this weekend!
We have our informal Iona Communion Service at Christ Church at 10am, where we welcome a visiting preacher – Rev’d Rutton Vicajee who will be enlightening us on the book of Job. We look forward to welcoming you! Refreshments served after the service.
And at St. James’ we have our beautiful and reflective Choral Evensong service, 6pm, where we will be looking at a passage in the Gospel of Mark and asking the question, ‘What is the one thing?’ You can find the music for this, and other services here - Music at Services – St James' Church (stjameschurchabinger.org)
I look forward to welcoming you to our churches this weekend,
With love
Rev’d Kia 😊
Sunday October 20, Trinity 21
9.00 am Parish Communion, Book of Common Prayer
6,00 pm Congregational Evensong
Sunday October 27, Last Sunday after Trinity, Dedication Festival
10.00 am Parish Communion (Common Worship)
Refreshments will be served after the service
6.00pm Julian meeting
November 2024
Sunday November 3, All Souls
10.00 am All Souls service
Refreshments will be served after the service
Sunday November 10, Remembrance Sunday
10.50am Remembrance Service, Memorial Ground
Refreshments will be served in the John Venus Hall after the service
Sunday November 17 Second Sunday before Advent
9.00 am Parish Communion, Book of Common Prayer
6,00 pm Congregational Evensong
Sunday November 24, Christ the King , Sunday next before Advent
10.00 am Parish Communion (Common Worship)
Refreshments will be served after the service