Christ Church


Church Service

Lord, help us to be people full of hope. Give us strength to keep going.  Amen

Click here for services at St James, Abinger.
In addition to our regular services, we and Abinger have a monthly Julian Meeting.  Learn more about these contemplative services by clicking here

July 2024
Sunday 7July, Trinity 6
                9.00 a.m. Parish Communion, Book of Common Prayer

Sunday 14 July, Trinity 7
               10.00 a.m. Second Sunday Service (Iona with communion)
                Refreshments will be served after the service

Sunday 21 July, Trinity 8
                9.00 a.m. Parish Communion, Book of Common Prayer
                6.00 p.m. Congregational Evensong

Sunday 28 July, Trinity 9
                10.00 a.m. Parish Communion, Common Worship
                Refreshments will be served after the service

Dear friends
Thank you to all who came for softball and hotdogs on the Common last Thursday! The weather was lovely and our two teams - Hotdogs and Leaping Leopards - played brilliantly with the Hotdogs ending up victorious, by 1 point!! A huge thank you to Katie Brodie and friends for umpiring with such efficiency!
This Sunday Hilary and Colin will be looking at ‘Miracles’ at 10:30 at Sideways. Do come along for a warm welcome with croissants, coffee and lively discussions! And if you fancy some peace and quiet time with God, then do join me for the Julian meeting at 6pm where we have a short reflection then stillness for 20 minutes. We also have a new Hymn suggestions box for you to place your favourite hymns in - ones we haven’t had for a while and maybe some new ones for us to try!
This Sunday at Christ Church Virginia will be leading us in our Parish Communion service at 10am with the wonderful Leith Hill Choirs. Do come along and stay for refreshments and chat after the service.
We look forward to welcoming you to our churches this weekend 😊
With love,
Rev’d Kia

August 2024
During August, there is one service each Sunday at one of the four Benefice Churches 
Sunday 4 August, Trinity 10
                Benefice Service at Wotton

Sunday 11 August, Trinity 11
                10.30 a.m. Benefice Service
                Refreshments will be served after the service

Sunday 18 August, Trinity 12
                 Benefice Service at Holmbury

Sunday 25 August, Trinity 13
                 Benefice Service at Abinger
                 6.00 p.m. Julian meeting, KP

September 2024
Sunday September 1, Trinity 14
        9.00 am Parish Communion, Book of Common Prayer

Sunday September 8, Trinity 15
               10.00 am Second Sunday Service (Iona  with communion)
                Refreshments will be served after the service 

Sunday September 15, Trinity 16
        9.00 am Parish Communion, Book of Common Prayer
                6,00 pm Congregational Evensong 

Sunday  September 22, Trinity 17
       10.00 am Parish Communion (Common Worship) 
                Refreshments will be served after the service

Sunday September 29,  Trinity 18
              Benefice Service at Wotton

October 2024
Sunday October 6,  Trinity 19
     10.00 am Joint Harvest Service with Abinger
              There will be a joint Harvest Lunch after the service

Sunday October 13, Trinity 20
               10.00 am Second Sunday Service (Iona  with communion)
                Refreshments will be served after the service

Sunday October 20, Trinity 21
        9.00 am Parish Communion, Book of Common Prayer
                6,00 pm Congregational Evensong

Sunday October 27, Last Sunday after Trinity, Dedication Festival
       10.00 am Parish Communion (Common Worship) 
               Refreshments will be served after the service
               6.00pm Julian meeting

November 2024
Sunday November 3, All Souls
               10.00 am All Souls service
               Refreshments will be served after the service 

Sunday November 10, Remembrance Sunday
                10.50am Remembrance Service, Memorial Ground
                Refreshments will be served in the John Venus Hall after the service

Sunday November 17 Second Sunday before Advent 
        9.00 am Parish Communion, Book of Common Prayer
                6,00 pm Congregational Evensong

Sunday November 24, Christ the King , Sunday next before Advent
       10.00 am Parish Communion (Common Worship) 
                Refreshments will be served after the service