Christ Church


Inevitably, there are formalities with which we need to comply, as well as information you might need

Aerial view 2

Our Church is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of everyone within our community.  Our policy is set out on our Safeguarding page.    

Data Protection
In addition to those on our Electoral Roll, we hold the names and contact details of all those who volunteer to help in managing the life of the Church - mainly those listed on the People and Duties and Rotas pages of this website. 
We also hold information on those who kindly donate to our Church, which could include their bank account details.  In addition, we use a list of local residents to inform them about Christ Church.  But we only use the information we hold to help us manage the Church and keep people informed about Christ Church.  

HingeTo read our  Data Privacy Notice please click here.

If you would like to know what information we hold on you please contact us

If you would like to have your name removed from any of the pages of our website, or reduced to a simple form - such as Adam B - please contact the webmaster.

The Electoral Roll
We  have an Electoral Roll, which
is the list of those entitled to participate in and vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, when members of the PCC together with Christ Church’s representatives on Dorking Deanery Synod are elected and the PCC reports to the Parish. 

Anyone who lives within the Parish or is a regular worshipper at Christ Church and is over 16 years old is entitled to be on the Electoral Roll. The procedures, forms of application, timing, the criteria for being on the Roll and the rules for compiling the Roll are all set out in the Church of England Church Representations Rules. 

If you would like to join our Electoral Roll or check whether you are on it please contact Helen Potter, our Electoral Roll Officer, or our Parish Secretary, Sally McCance.  Also please let one of them know if your contact details change.

For more information on our Electoral Roll please get in touch with either Helen Potter or our Parish Secretary.

We are required to completely renew our Roll once every six years, when all members have to re-apply for membership. our next full renewal will be in  2025. 

Christenings, Weddings, Funerals and Other Special Services
If you would like to arrange for a c
hristening, wedding, funeral or another special service in Christ Church please contact the Parish Office.

Several links are provided within the text of other pages.  These are additional links which users of the website might find useful. We hope they all work, but as organisations sometimes change their internet identities (their urls) it is possible that some might have become incorrect.

Coldharbour Village
Capel Parish Council
Mole Valley District Council
Leith Hill Surgery

We are very grateful to all those who have contributed towards the development of this website; in particular to those who have provided the photographs we have used.  We are also grateful to both Pat Newberry, whose leaflet 'Christ Church Coldharbour A History' has
informed our Church History page, and to Bill Smith, whose booklet 'Coldharbour A Surrey Village' has informed our Coldharbour and Leith Hill page, as well to the many websites we have turned to for information.