Christ Church


Amber Farm Place Annual Open Morning, 8 October
Amber Oct24You are invited to attend Farm Place’s annual open morning; in celebration of Mole Valley Arts Alive! This year we have an Illusion & Fantasy theme on Tuesday 8th October, 10am-12noon.
There will be barista coffee served, homemade cakes and dahlia flowers/bouquets to buy (in aid of Amber). Please spread the word far and wide, bring a friend or two, see some artworks around the house and team rooms and hear more about Amber’s work in transforming the lives of young people
Anber is a local charity we support.

The Inaugural Benefice Walk, Saturday 29 June
The inaugural Benefice Walk, through all four Parishes will be on Saturday 29 June, leaving St Marys Holmbury at 9.30 with the intention of getting to Christ Church some time between 10.30 and 11.00, where refreshments will be served in the John Venus Hall. It will leave the John Venus Hall  between11.00 and11.30, planning to arrive back at St Mary’s between 12.00 and 13.00.
The walk is 11.5 km long.  Walkers are welcome to join for all or some of the route.

The 2024 Coldharbour Village Fete

Despite gloomy weather forecasts, the 2024 Fete, held on Saturday 18 May, was a really enjoyable success. Attendance was great and there was something for everyone – very many happy, and painted, faces, with many comments about the ‘great vibe’.  

With the addition of more credit card machines, several stalls broke their previous records, and net proceeds of £10,600. The funds raised for Christ Church will help to maintain our village church, village hall and churchyard and to pay those regular bills that come with the responsibility for looking after them.  Charitable donations are being made to the National Trust to support our local area, Dorking Friends of Cancer Research UK and most importantly half of the proceeds of the Auction will go to DEC Ukraine Appeal.

Congratulations and thanks in particular to Penny for organising the amazing Auction of Promises.  Thank you too to the National Trust for use of the Memorial Ground, to our generous sponsors and advertisers, to the fete organising team, to the Village Band for putting us all in the mood to celebrate, and to everyone who ran stalls and activities, set up/took down, donated, grew plants, baked, entertained, and came on the day. We are very grateful for your support, enthusiasm, ideas, time, generosity, and a lot of hard work before, during and after the fete.  You have just proved once again that Coldharbour is a great place to live.

In the meantime: planning for next year is already underway; the Superstrings Trio and Punch & Judy are already booked. 

So, for your diary:  Coldharbour Village Fete 2025: Saturday 17th May from 2 pm.

International Organ Day - Saturday 20 April
To mark International Organ Day, at 3.30 our organist David Hansell will be explaining what you can see - and what you can't , give some demonstrations and talk about some of the tricks of the trade, with possibility of having the opportunity to play.

Good Friday - Walk of the Cross
Good Friday is a poignant day in the Christian calendar; a day where we pause to remember the journey and the sacrifice Jesus made for us all on the cross.
To mark this special day the churches across our Benefice are walking to and meeting at St. James for a service of reflection at 1.00pm.
The walk from Christ Church will leave the Church at 9:30. We will be taking with us nails and a hammer. We will walk across the Hill through Broadmoor. Return transport will be available after the service, but to help us plan we would be grateful if you would let Sally know if you would like a lift back.
St. Mary’s and St. Johns are walking with two parts of the cross and when we meet at St. James the cross will be nailed together.
Refreshments will be served at St. James from 12 for the walkers.
We would love for you to join with us in this moving journey. 

Is God nudging you to explore your gifts and talents?
Have you ever been curious about how you can better serve God in your life?
Do you want to study God with a bit more depth and be challenged?
There is a wealth of opportunity to explore these questions and more through various training available locally.
You can dip your toes into a module on the Local Ministry course – looking at diverse subjects such as Ethics, Worship and Spirituality, Christine Doctrine and Theological Reflection.
There are training days on Pastoral Visiting, Occasional Preaching and leading Worship.
If you feel called/nudged or just want to find a little more, I would love to talk with you!
Rev’d Kia