Christ Church

Contributing to the Parish News Costs

Although the Parish News is produced and distributed by volunteers, with inflation the costs of printing it are rising while the income from advertisers (in the print version) is falling.  We would therefore be grateful for donations to help meet the costs. 

They can be made on-line using CAF Donate, either click on the Donate button or use the QR code belowPlease mark your donation 'Parish News'.


CAF Donate QR

You can also give in cash or by cheque by
- placing your gift in the collection plate on Sundays
- putting your gift in the wall safe by the chest, to the left of the door
marking your donation 'Parish News'.
If you put your donation in the collection plate or in the wall safe, please use one of our Gift Aid envelopes so we can claim an additional 25% from HMRC.