Christ Church

Joining Zoom Services

If you would like to join in a Zoom service, please contact Tony for a Zoom invitation.  The invitation to join contains a link (it will look like this, which you must click on to open Zoom shortly before the service is due to commence (10.30am).

(If this is your first time using Zoom, the browser will need to install a browser ‘plugin'.  This is just to make your browser compatible with Zoom.  It may happen automatically, but it's possible that you may have a block on your computer which stops this happening automatically.  If that's the case, the system will ask you confirm that it's OK to do this - click 'Download and run Zoom' . Then, follow your system's instructions for downloading the software (you may need to agree to a few more things, but there is nothing to worry about here). Having done all this, you should automatically be connected to the service, but if it asks you for the meeting ID, it's 880 9844 8185.)

Zoom will ask you if you want to join with computer audio (so that you can be heard) and with computer video (if your device has a camera, so that you can be seen).  You don't need to do either as you will still be able to see and hear everyone else, but it's nice to be seen, and heard!

When participating in a Zoon service it is important that your microphone  is switched off, otherwise any noises you make or are in your background will be transmitted to everyone else.  Your microphone is switched off when you start Zoom; the microphone icon on your screen has a red line through it. If you want to participate in the social chat before or after the service you should switch it on, by just clicking on it.  But be sure you switch it before the service begins.

Also when you start Zoom you will be in 'gallery mode', which shows a number of participants (depending on the size of your screen) per page; to see more you simply scroll to the left, or right. You are best to stay in gallery mode. 

At the end of the service click on 'leave meeting'.

If you are not familiar with this sort of thing there is a very detailed guide to joining a Zoom meeting on YouTube