Christ Church

John Venus Hall Cleaning

Those who have kindly volunteered to clean the JV Hall have a two week window from the date shown on the list below in which to clean the hall at their convenience, in as little or as much time as they can spare.   If their allocated slot is difficult, due to holidays or other commitments, please arrange to swap with someone else on the list or contact .Su

As there frequent bookings on Tuesday and some Thursday evenings, please avoid these times for your cleaning slot.  Additionally, be aware that it does take a while for the floor to dry!

Su aims to ensure that stocks of cleaning materials are replenished: storage is in the cupboard in the central corridor to the loo.  Please let her know if stocks are running low or of any other cleaning related issues. 

If you are aware of additional volunteers willing to join the group, please let Su know.

July 1                  
Kerry D
July 15               Sarah D
July 29               
Betty D
August 12          
Allison G
August 26          
Amanda H
September 9    Alan and Mary H
September 23  
Su J
October 7          Hils and Bernard J
October 21       
Janet and Graham M
November 4     
Helen P
November 18   
Susy P
December 2      
Patsy and Anthony S
December 16   
Ruth A
December 30    
Lucy B