Christ Church


If you are unable to be a sidesperson for a service, please either swap with someone else on the rota or contact  Kerry Day. 
If, at present, you are not one of our sidespeople, but would like 
to serve as one, please contact Kerry Day.

February 2025
Sunday February 2, Candlemas
     9.00am Parish Communion (BCP), VS, John R 

Sunday February 9, The Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
            10.00am Second Sunday Service (Iona – with communion), KP, DC, Martin and Jenny R,
                                                                                                                                               Margaret Y

Sunday February 16, The Third Sunday before Lent
              9.00am Parish Communion (BCP), VS, Graham M
              6.00pm Congregational Evensong, KP,  DH, Terry and Gilly K

Sunday February23 The Second Sunday before Lent
              10.00am Parish Communion (Common Worship), VS, DH,
 Anthony and Patsy S, Sue J

March 2025
Sunday 2 March, The Sunday Next before Lent 
                9.00am Parish Communion (BCP), KP, John R

Sunday 9 March, The First Sunday of Lent
10.00am Second Sunday Service (Iona with communion), KP, DC, Martin and Jenny  R, Sue J 

Sunday 16 March, The Second Sunday of Lent
                9.00am Parish Communion (BCP),  VS, Graham M
                6.00pm Congregational Evensong, KP, DH, Terry and Gilly K

Sunday 23 March, The Third Sunday of Lent
                 10.00am Parish Communion (Common Worship), VS, DH, Ted and Sandra C, Kerry D
                 6.00pm Julian Meeting

Sunday 30 March, Mothering Sunday
                 10.00am Family Service - Benefice, KP, DH, Anthony and Patsy S, Margaret Y

April 2025
Sunday 6 April, The Fifth Sunday of Lent
                    9.00am Parish Communion (BCP) KP, Graham M

Sunday 13 April Sunday of the Passion, Palm Sunday
           10.00am Joint Palm Sunday Service,  Abinger

Thursday 17 April, Maundy Thursday
                 7.00pm Institution of the Lord’s Supper, Benefice Service, KP, Anthony S

Friday 18 April, Good Friday
                 Church open for Good Friday Reflection and Stillness

Sunday 20 April, Easter Day
      10.00am Holy Communion Family Service, KP, DH, Martin and Jenny R, Margaret Y

Sunday 27 April The Second Sunday of Easter
       10.00am Parish Communion (Common Worship), VS, DH, Ted and Sandra C, Kerry D

May 2025
Sunday 4 May, The Third Sunday of Easter
9.00am Parish Communion (BCP), VS, John R 

Sunday 11 May, The Fourth Sunday of Easter
             10.00am, Second Sunday Service (Iona with communion), KP, DC, Anthony and Patsy S, Helen P

Sunday 18 May The Fifth Sunday of Easter
      9.00am Parish Communion (BCP), VS, Graham M
              6.00pm Congregational Evensong, AW,DH, Amanda H

Sunday 25 May The Sixth Sunday of Easter
     10.00am Parish Communion (Common Worship) VS, DH, Ted and Sandra C, Kerry D
             6.00pm Julian Meeting, KP