Christ Church


If you are unable to be a sidesperson for a service, please either swap with someone else on the rota or contact  Kerry Day. 
If, at present, you are not one of our sidespeople, but would like 
to serve as one, please contact Kerry Day.

July 2024
Sunday 7July, Trinity 6
                9.00 a.m. Parish Communion (BCP), KP, Graham M

Sunday 14 July, Trinity 7
               10.00 a.m. Second Sunday Service (Iona with communion), DC, KP, Margaret Y, Sue J, Helen P

Sunday 21 July, Trinity 8
                9.00 a.m. Parish Communion (BCP), KP, Graham M
                6.00 p.m. Congregational Evensong, HS, Amanda H

Sunday 28 July, Trinity 9
                10.00 a.m. Parish Communion (CW), DH, VS. Martin and Jenny R, Sue J

August 2024
During August, there is one service each Sunday at one of the four Benefice Churches 
Sunday 4 August, Trinity 10
                Benefice Service at Wotton

Sunday 11 August, Trinity 11
                10.30 a.m. Benefice Service, KP, Ted and Sandra C, Kerry D

Sunday 18 August, Trinity 12
                 Benefice Service at Holmbury

Sunday 25 August, Trinity 13
                 Benefice Service at Abinger
                 6.00 p.m. Julian meeting, AW